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Kumpulan Nama Bayi Perempuan Latin - 2

Nama Arti L/P Bahasa
Casilda of the home P Latin
Cassiel angel of saturday; the earthly mother P Latin
Cecilia buta P Latin
Celeste seperti surga, bersifat surgawi P Latin
Celestyn surga P Latin
Celia form of cecilia - blind P Latin
Cerelia of the spring P Latin
Charlene form of charlotte - petite and feminine P Latin
Charmaine bountiful orchard P Latin
Chastine murni sejati P Latin
Chastity kemurnian, kesucian P Latin
Cherry form of cheryl - beloved P Latin
Christine follower of christ P Latin
Cicely musik P Latin
Clarance sangat terkenal P Latin
Clare form of clara - bright, clear P Latin
Clarinta sikecil yang termashur P Latin
Claudia timpang, lemah P Latin
Clementine rahmat P Latin
Clorinda terkenal karena kecantikannya P Latin
Cloris bunga yang wangi P Latin
Cmille keagungan P Latin
Columbia seekor burung merpati P Latin
Comfort to strengthen greatly P Latin
Concordia harmoni P Latin
Connie form of constance - to be knowledgeable; steadfast P Latin
Constance to be knowledgeable; steadfast P Latin
Consuela pelipur lara, penghiburan P Latin
Coral small stone P Latin
Cordelia baik hati P Latin
Cornelia form of cornelius - horn-colored P Latin
Dabria nama malaikat P Latin
Deana kahyangan P Latin
Deandra divine P Latin
Delicia seorang yang menyenangkan P Latin
Delores form of dolores - lady of sorrows P Latin
Desiree so long hoped for P Latin
Diane form of diana - divine P Latin
Dianne form of diana - divine P Latin
Dominique milik Tuhan P Latin
Dulce form of dulcea. sweet P Latin
Dulcea manis P Latin
Dyan form of diana - divine P Latin
Elata ditinggikan P Latin
Elvira impartial judgment P Latin
Emalia flirt P Latin
Emilia form of emilie. ambitious, industrious P Latin
Emilie ambisius, rajin, tekun P Latin
Engrasia anggun P Latin
Estelle bintang P Latin
Fabienne bean grower P Latin
Faith keyakinan, iman P Latin
Fausta keberuntungan P Latin
Faustine beruntung P Latin
Fawn anak rusa P Latin
Fay bidadari, peri P Latin
Felicia bahagia, gembira P Latin
Felicity form of felicia. happy P Latin
Fidela wanita yang jujur P Latin
Flavia kuning, pirang P Latin

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