Berikut kumpulan arti nama bayi untuk
laki-laki, asal kata Latin. Semoga bermamfaat
dan menginspirasi pemberian nama bayi anda.
Ace |
persatuan, nomor satu |
L |
Latin |
Alben |
adil, pirang |
L |
Latin |
Aleron |
berada di sayap |
L |
Latin |
Andrew |
gagah, berani, jantan |
L |
Latin |
Anthony |
tidak terhitung harganya, sangat berharga |
L |
Latin |
Arley |
the bow man |
L |
Latin |
August |
form of augustus - revered, exalted |
L |
Latin |
Augustin |
form of augustus - revered, exalted |
L |
Latin |
Augustus |
revered, exalted |
L |
Latin |
Balbo |
inarticulate |
L |
Latin |
Balint |
kuat dan gagah |
L |
Latin |
Benedict |
diberkahi, diberkati |
L |
Latin |
Benett |
diberkahi, diberkati |
L |
Latin |
Bennett |
little blessed one |
L |
Latin |
Bent |
form of benedict - blessed |
L |
Latin |
Caesar |
form of cesar - long-haired |
L |
Latin |
Calvin |
botak, gundul |
L |
Latin |
Camilo |
sang pembebas |
L |
Latin |
Casimira |
pembawa perdamaian |
L |
Latin |
Cato |
berpengetahuan luas, bijak |
L |
Latin |
Cesar |
berambut panjang |
L |
Latin |
Chauncey |
chancellor |
L |
Latin |
Chester |
from the fortified camp |
L |
Latin |
Cicero |
the historian |
L |
Latin |
Clarence |
cerah, terang, bersih |
L |
Latin |
Clarke |
form of clark - scholar |
L |
Latin |
Claude |
timpang, lemah |
L |
Latin |
Clemens |
form of clement - merciful |
L |
Latin |
Constantine |
firm, constant |
L |
Latin |
Cooper |
barrel maker |
L |
Latin |
Corbett |
burung gagak |
L |
Latin |
Corbin |
burung gagak |
L |
Latin |
Cornell |
form of cornelius - horn-colored |
L |
Latin |
Crispin |
berambut ikal/keriting |
L |
Latin |
Cristian |
christ bearer |
L |
Latin |
Dean |
presiding official |
L |
Latin |
Del |
short for names beginning with del |
L |
Latin |
Desi |
form of desiderio - desire |
L |
Latin |
Dexter |
trampil, cakap |
L |
Latin |
Dom |
form of dominick - belonging to god |
L |
Latin |
Dominick |
milik Tuhan |
L |
Latin |
Donato |
anugerah Tuhan |
L |
Latin |
Drew |
gagah, berani, jantan |
L |
Latin |
Durand |
tahan lama, bertahan |
L |
Latin |
Fabian |
bean grower |
L |
Latin |